seeking, not just looking, means everything.
i create and deconstruct.
i come from that sandy part of west texas where mesquites still outnumber people 1000:1.
on the banks of the brazos i fell in love with the wild. it's where i learned the hot breath and smell of a horse was salvation. it was there i began to learn the art of digging and covering up with words and images.
to hide, protect, and project.
ever mindful of what’s beneath the surface, my work mines for truth and draws attention to that space between what’s said and what’s kept silent.
besides what you see here i am a budding plant herbalist, yoga teacher, impact consultant, and community organizer. i believe in the power of stories, and that they can be rewritten.
for the past seven years, I have facilitated classes for PEACE, around principles of healing trauma and cultivating self love with incarcerated woman and within the community. ‘Root, Restore, and Rise’ -
that work - learning my own worth alongside others, finally telling my own story, and helping others do the same, saved my life. my project LOVEISALL was born from this feeling; it spreads a message of healing that radical love can bring, by way of hand-made products embroidered with LOVE.
my soul's other artistic focus is a partnership with my music man called crow and gazelle.
i am – blue and amethyst, and water rolling. i am ever mindful of answering what calls me : service to others, recognizing love in every one, every place, every thing.
i believe in real justice -
inherent, inclusive, and unifying.
look deeply,
listen intently. love wholly.
you light the way, c xo
root, restore, rise
You are here to radiate peace and love. You are meant to feel vibrantly alive and lift others up to feel the same.
connecting to our truth saves lives.
empowering individuals heals communities.
healing communities heals the world.
as a community builder and facilitator of healing, i work with folks (including other artists) to reckon with and release inner obstacles and find clarity of purpose, while restoring peace and self-worth.
please reach out to learn more about this service if it speaks to you. 1:1 Sessions and workshops available.
also available for photo shoots and video bookings
*prints from most projects are available to purchase, even if not in the store yet.
self portrait nuevo mexico
Chrislyn Rose Lawrence
B.A. English / B.S. Psychology
M.A. Philosophy and Creative Writing
Trauma Informed Facilitator of Peace and Transformation
Yoga teacher
Contact email
my Czech grandmother, hermina, (hattie) played the drums.
she was magnificent.
she shined nobility. she carried magic grace.
and she always passed out juicy fruit at the start of mass.
hattie kept meticulous journals.
she lived to be 101. i have her worn and beautiful drum sticks.